Rifle and Ammo Cases

MTM Tactical Magazine Storage Can TMCLE

Stackable design and triple padlock tabbed for security Water-resistant O-ring seal for dry storage; Non-submersible Dual latches for better sealing and prevents accidental openings Made in USA Weight: 2.4 pounds

MTM Tactical Magazine Can TMCAK

Designed to hold 20 to 30 round Stackable design and double padlock tabbed for security Water-resistant O-ring seal for dry storage The latches are mounted on sides for easy carrying Weight: 2.7 pounds Capacity: 9 Made in USA

Plano Black Molding ProMax Rifle Case 151105

Protect your firearms from damage with the Plano Pro-Max Series Contoured Rifle Case with Pillars. The Pro-Max Contoured Rifle Case uses patented PillarLock technology, which adds crush-resistant strength to the protection of your firearm....

Plano Black Molded Plastic Rifle & Shotgun Case 108361

Rugged, industrial strength With heavy-duty, dual-stage lockablelatches Withstand thecontinuous bumping and jarring of airline travel. Weight: 14 pounds.

Plano Molding Shooters Case Camo 181601

Includes two removable dividers to help keep suppliesorganized, full size lift-out tray Large enough for shells calls gloves and other largeaccessories, comfortable handle

Plano Molding ProMax™ PillarLock™ Take Down Gun Case 153500 Black

Thick-walledconstruction, Heavy-duty latches Patented PillarLockSystem, Airline approved

Plano Molding Shaped Pistol Case Small 142100 Black

Comfortable, secure, user-friendly latches Strong piano style hinge Thick-walled construction Two layers of high-density foam protection Padlocktab

Plano Molding Protector Single Rifle Shotgun Case 150194 Black

Thick-walled construction, Molded-in handles Heavy-duty latches, Padlock tabs